Wednesday 5 December 2012

Missed by a whisker

Cats traditionally do not like change, and blind cats are supposed to be particularly sensitive.  Evil cat has decided that this, like so many other things, does not apply to her.  If she isn't completely blind she is certainly extremely short sighted, and I have no confidence that she would spot a mouse if it walked slowly in front of her.  She still can find food, water and trouble without much effort, though, so I don't worry. 

We are currently doing a little decorating.  To be exact, darling father is doing the decorating, he is painting our windows and it is badly needed.  He has done the study, and it looks amazing.  Today he is starting on the living room windows. 

So last night we moved the television and this morning I moved the unit under the window.  Evil cat homed in immediately because the furniture that had moved had left a gap next to the radiator and that is where she was going to sleep.  Ladders were moving around her, boxes were being moved but she was not shifting as she was now next to the wonderful radiator.  I reached over to pick up a magazine holder full of little bear's Dr Who comics.  I'd quite liked the magazine holder when I bought it, it was a sort of faux mock leatherette but it did look nice and was quite sturdy.  I picked it up confidently and the whole thing fell to pieces in my hand, the sides of the magazine holder shooting off in all directions and the heavy bundle of magazines landing literally less than an inch from evil cat.  You really could say it was a whisker away from her.  As they fell I was terrified as the magazines were really heavy and could have really badly hurt evil cat.  For a moment I just stood there, shaking.

Evil cat did not move.  She hadn't had a chance to sit next to this radiator for years and she was not going to move just because of extremely heavy stuff falling very close to her.  She was comfy and happy and going back to sleep - and she did! 

She is now sleeping under the ladder where darling father is painting.  I am letting sleeping cats lie. 

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