Saturday 15 December 2012

Thank you

Hester - thank you for getting this.  I really do appreciate the support I have had.  I know that the Bible bits aren't perhaps your thing, but I hope you can appreciate my choices.

Thank you again - and all those who have given me support and help.  You cannot know what a difference it has made. 


Hard up Hester said...

I have just finished reading Cats in the Bible & laughed all the way through. Despite my regular & vocal complaints about the local cats using my garden as a litter box, I am a cat lover & used to have one of my own. I could tell all the stories in the book were true as they were just the sort of things my cat used to do.

Wannabe Sybil said...

I am really glad you enjoyed it - and yes, it is all true! I have never needed to exaggerate with cats.

Thank you so much for this, it means a lot! WS xxxx

Marybelle said...

I've just downloaded your book - and delighted to see Evil Cat is a Cover Girl, only to be expected, of course!

Will read it once I get off this computer!

purrs to E.C.

Wannabe Sybil said...

Thank you Marybelle - evil cat on the cover was a perfect choice. If I remember correctly she was complaining about lack of tuna when the photo was taken.

Thank you so much for this support, it means so much! WS xxx

Marybelle said...

I've read the book - it's brilliant. Having fostered cats for nearly 30 years and owned numerous for a lot longer, I can identify with them.

Well done!