Tuesday 11 December 2012

What is happening?

On Saturday I felt unusually active and cleared a huge swathe in the junk room.  Actually I cleared a very small swathe but it felt huge.  There were a lot of black bin sacks.  On Sunday I felt awful after three hours sleep and with a really bad stomach.  I spent a lot of the morning trying not to throw up and feeling sorry for myself.  I still did a little more clearing in the junk room and kitchen and did some stash reduction.  Yesterday I went for a brisk walk, cleared out another few bags of rubbish from the junk room and some cardboard boxes, did some washing, kept the tumble dryer and dishwasher working and I also made a start in clearing out the walk in cupboard, which included getting rid of a carton of UHT milk dating back to 2009.  I got just about the last of the presents sorted, trying to work out an ebay account and generally was active. 

This is all low level activity in the grand scheme of things, but it is a lot for me.  I have no idea where all this energy is coming from, I really haven't.  Today I was going to go for another brisk walk after dropping little bear off but as I skidded on icy patches on the way in I thought that the brisk walk could wait.  I am tired, feel sleep deprived and under the weather - and itching to get moving. 

I just don't know why I am feeling so determined, but I am.  So I had better make the most of it. I have no idea where to start, so I will just start in the middle and keeping moving. 

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