Saturday, 23 February 2013

One thing leads to another

I got an email saying that my paypal account had been limited.  I didn't even click on it, it is such a well known scam.

There is a remote chance that my paypal account had been limited.  It's extremely unlikely but it is possible.  I thought that I really should go directly to paypal, sign in there and check.

In an entirely unrelated matter, I had noted that there was a thing called a Buff which is essentially a tube of material that can be worn in all sorts of styles around the head and neck, and some of them look really nice, and I could do with something like that.  They were not desperately expensive, but I did think that I could knit a tube of material without much trouble, it's my type of knitting.  You cast on some stitches, join the round (the difficult bit, but not too bad) then just knit until you run out of yarn.  It is the perfect excuse to use some of that gorgeous sock yarn out there as well.

And I did have a rummage but there was nothing really suitable in my stash.  So for one reason or another I found myself buying some sock yarn on ebay and using paypal which funnily enough wasn't limited.

And I have just realised that I have two paypal accounts, and the email about it being limited was not the one I actually bought the sock yarn on.  I could just go to the site.  But I am feeling particularly fragile and low, and it could be a lot worse.   I could knit two buffs!

btw this is a buff

And this is how it can be worn

And you wouldn't believe some of the images I got when I googled images of buff!

Mine won't be as good.  But it will be fun to make.


Kitty Greene said...

I get those emails a lot too, I feel sorry for the people who are taken in by them and give their details. I think Paypal should issue a warning about this kind of thing.

Wannabe Sybil said...

It was an excuse to buy yarn with the second paypal account as well. Oh well, £10 gone and a clear mind (not that I was really fooled anyway, but that's not the point...) WS xxx