Friday 9 August 2013

All about bear

It usually is.

Bear does not approve of me going out.  He certainly does not approve of me going out at night with nice hair and make up.  This is entirely not acceptable.  According to bear, a mother's place is in the home unless she is picking him up from school or taking him to the martial arts at the end of the street.

My mother didn't go out, and neither did DH's mother, at least not when he was small.  However while I am okay not going out, I am not sure that any future daughter in law would think the same.  I have decided I really need to get out more in the evenings.  I could do a night school course.

So far all the evening classes I have found so far have either been 'How much?!!!!' or 'I'm not going there after dark.'

I'm considering just leaving it for now.  Maybe next year.  I'm sure bear will be alright if I just do some knitting.


Janet said...

Reminds me of the AA Milne poem about the little boy who could not trust his mother to go the edge of town without him to supervise her. Of course, she went to the edge of the town without him, and was never seen ago. The little boy in the poem would be about Bear's age... maybe he has a point?

Wannabe Sybil said...

Janet - I am keeping bear away from AA Milne just in case lol. Thank you for reminding me of the poem, it's lovely (and typical of a little boy) WS xxx