Wednesday 21 August 2013

Not sure it was worth 6p

The idea was that a lot of trips were rolled into one day to save the bus fares.  We had the trip to town for DF's present from bear, we had the trip to Headingley to test bear's budgeting and then we were going to have a special 'meet daddy' time and have something to eat out.

The trip to town was fine.  Bear fell asleep and the trip only took twenty minutes.  Then we went  to WH Smiths.  I gritted my teeth as I wanted to pick up puzzle books for DF for a present and I knew that he had extensively raided The Works which is one of the better places to pick up a puzzle.  Bear assured me that he could do crosswords and please could he have this puzzle book.  What he meant was that his grandfather had allowed him to fill in some answers in his crosswords.  Bear examined one book and said airily, 'This will be fine, the answers are in the back.'  Negotiations followed.  I didn't want to discourage him too much, as I enjoy puzzles, so does DF and bear does seem to like a challenge. It became easier to come to agreement and persuade bear that he really wanted the cheapest option when I realised that bear was actually after a red puzzle book and the type of puzzle was less important.  At least I saved some money there, I seem to come away having spent a lot in WH Smiths (but DF is worth it).

Bear stayed awake on the bus to Headingley but decided that he didn't want to look for toys, he only wanted to look at books.  I think this is the budgeting working, as he was being quite clear about what he was willing to spend his money on.  This week it included a absolutely humunguos children's encyclopedia.  However he stuck to reading the Dr Who reference book in the cafe, where he ate the icing from a cake that he promised he would eat all of and then drank two inches of a berry smoothie because he decided he wasn't keen on the pips.  He insists on visiting this particular cafe and the only time he has actually finished anything on his plate is when he stole some of DF's toast and jam.

Bear went to sleep on the bus to meet DH and took some waking when we get there, although he insisted that he was just resting his eyes.  Then we went in to Morrisons to spend more than £40 to get 6p per litre off petrol.  I knew that this would be fairly easy, but I had underestimated how much extra I would spend on just 'bear junk'.  I ended up buying sweeties and goodies, and I even picked up some books with 1000 mental maths questions, 1000 English questions, 1000 spelling questions and 1000 calculator maths questions.  Bear is already racing through the English questions.  If I hadn't had bear with me I think I would have struggled to make £40.  However I winced a little as the bill came in at over £60.  It really is less expensive if I get a delivery.

Then we went to a fish and chip restaurant for a really lovely meal.  Bear was really well behaved, I was so proud.  I do think that it was a very bear meal.  We went to a fish and chip restaurant, bear adores all forms of fish, so he decided he was going to have pizza and ate every mouthful although he has been very clear that he doesn't like cheese.  Then he finally remembered that his meal was supposed to come with ice cream for afters included when all the adults had forgotten.  He then ate the toffee sauce.

Bear is a very tired bear at the moment.  Today he went to a museum with the out of school club, tomorrow we are visiting another museum with a friend, and on Friday he will be out again.  He will be glad to go back to school for a rest!


Morgan said...

Sounds like an exhausting day all round! I'd be tempted to stick to deliveries too, after a day like that. Glad you all enjoyed your meal at the end of it, though xx

Wannabe Sybil said...

After bear insisted on steering the shopping trolley around the supermarket I agree. I apologised a lot, there were no collisions and only one tut. Deliveries are a lot cheaper, but not as much fun! WS xxx