Friday 11 May 2012


I really don't exaggerate on this blog, I never need to.

Today it was lovely and sunny, but started to rain just as I reached the gates of little bear's school.  That was not too bad as it was not heavy and I dived in, retrieved him and his errant sweater, and dived out.  The rain started to really pick up as we waited to cross the Matalan slip road, which is really busy at this time of day.  And then, as I got to the bottom of our steps, it stopped.  By the time I had got my house key from my pocket there was bright sunshine.  And I felt a right fool standing looking out on all this lovely sunshine when I had rat-tail hair from rain just a few minutes ago. 

I am sure I heard a snigger, but that could have just been evil cat dreaming about the vet. 

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