Wednesday 30 May 2012

Grumble grumble grumble

I have been sick all last night, with all the fun that goes with that.

Definitely a takeaway for the men tonight.

And yesterday cat wars in the garden - except it was two black toms!  Someone is selling tickets, probably Raymonde the Rat. 

On Monday I did loads, and got rid of four black bin sacks of rubbish from clearing out kitchen cupboards.  The ironing was going well and I was feeling confident.  Yesterday I felt poorly.  Last night was a disaster.  Today I have slept. 

Tomorrow start again. 


Marybelle said...

Hope that you're feeling better by now, WS, and are able to have a peaceful night.


Plus purrs to Evil Cat and xxxx to Little Bear

Wannabe Sybil said...

Thank you, that felt such a lovely hug. Little bear is always happy to share hugs, and evil cat has sent a friendly tail wave. WS xxx