Monday 14 May 2012

Washing on a Sunday

Lesley - my late grandmother was very strict about never, ever washing on a Sunday, because it was wrong to do work on a Sabbath.  That applied, of course, to those who got the copper out on Monday and did one of those horrific Victorian style wash days which I am convinced I could never manage.  My late grandmother's father was also an extremely strict observer of the Sabbath.  From what I understand he did a very good line in hell fire and brimstone and had over forty grandchildren - my darling uncle was number 48!

My late grandmother had a few little ways, apart from keeping the Sabbath.  You were only allowed to stir cake mix one way (can't remember which way) or the mixture would curdle.  You always had to put your right sock and shoe on first (I dimly remember being proud of getting a sock on, I must have been about two or three, and she was really cross because I had put it on my left foot first).  She would only use one type of perfume as she had been told she should in a seance.  I can't remember all of them, but it made life more colourful. 

So I always joke about never washing on a Sunday.  And really it is good for everyone to have a day off.  However when the weather has been as 'interesting' as it has been, I don't care - if it's sunshine, there is washing on the line!

1 comment:

DG said...

Hi WS, this is DG from MSE, we have been wondering how you are and how LB is doing now. Just have a look at at the daily and you will see. Hope you are all OK. DG