Wednesday 18 September 2013

I have Apple Blossom on my Apple Tree

Strictly speaking it is darling father's apple tree, planted perilously close to the house.  It is supposed to be a dwarf specimen, but I know darling father and his track record.  Now we have an apple tree blooming six months too late, just before Autumn.  This from a man, in his eighties, who was working out how much he could drink last night to still be fit for the blood tests this morning.  To be fair, last night was Jazz Club night.  He goes every week, has a wonderful time and gets merry.  It is a big social lift for him and helped him settle much easier after a move.  It would be wrong for him to miss it, but I wonder if he did stick to 'just a few'.

I have said 'just before Autumn' but by some measures of Autumn it is already here, and the equinox is around Saturday.  Then the nights will officially be longer than the days.  This morning the central heating clicked on.  My central heating is technically on all year.  We have a thermostat which comes on when the temperature on the landing falls below 19 degrees in the morning or evening, 16 degrees during the day and 7 degrees during the night.  The theory is that the house is warmed through twice a day if needed and we heat the rooms we are in.  It probably won't click on tonight, we will have

We don't do too badly.  We are in a sheltered, south facing, double glazed, back to back terrace and I am grateful for it.  We also have stocks of sand and salt, we have warm clothes, a heap of snuggly and very warm blankets bought on sale from Lakeland and I will be shortening the curtains very soon, as they are a little longer than the radiators so  I want to make sure the heat isn't blocked.  I have draught excluders and I have made cherry stone bags.  I am looking forward to cosy nights in.  Fingers crossed that the weather outside is a mild winter.

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