Wednesday 23 March 2011

More money spent!

Finally we have had some sunny days, so the washing line has been put to good use. I have a rotary dryer and I have filled it. I just kept washing more and more and more as finally I can dry it! I didn't realise just how much stuff there was that needed washing, especially all the stuff that can't be tumble dried.

Due to little bear being very little bear I only managed to get out to hang washing out at 10.30pm last night, and it was lovely and dry by midday today, and I have once again completely filled the line. I now have a lot of ironing, but it will smell lovely and fresh and aired.

However the rotary line has developed a very alarming tilt. It is slowly bending south. Today I noticed a split in the plastic thingy that holds the pole in place. I am crossing everything that the pole will not snap during the night as if it does then all that lovely clean washing will drop into a flower bed that next door's cat uses as a toilet.

The new one arrives on Friday, as that way poor OH doesn't put himself under pressure to go and find a new one. Knowing the way the world works, it will probably be a month before I get to hang washing on the line again.

I really begrudge spending this money.

1 comment:

The mum of all trades said...

I am ashamed to say I have been in my house for 18 months and have still to put up a line. The eco warriors will be after me. I really enjoy reading your blog.