Monday 14 March 2011

Rock and Roll

Still extremely depressed.

However cheered up by little bear who has decided that he is going to collect rocks. In real life this means that he picks up random stones, pebbles and bits of gravel in the short distance between nursery and home, putting them carefully into his coat pocket.

Memo to self, don't wash anything without checking or stonewash may have a literal meaning in our household.


Ian said...

Awww bless him.

One day I hope he'll come over and beachcomb either at Formby Point where you can pick up sea coal (coal washed up onto the beach), or maybe Thursaston where there are stones of all colours.

Wannabe Sybil said...

He nearly got squashed by a car pulling into a drive because he insisted on picking up a dull looking bit of grit. I grabbed him and dragged him just in time! WS x

ravylesley said...

Fear not both my boys have been through this stage and my washer survived the phase lol
