Wednesday 16 March 2011

Nettle cloth

According to the internet nettles were the first fibres made into cloth, back in the Neolithic. Also nettles were used to make cloth for German uniforms in WW1. Also it was known as Scotch cloth and used for sheets in Scotland until 19th century and is (apparently) stronger than flax but softer than hemp. But flax is easier and cheaper to grow and process.

I find this sort of stuff fascinating, and I am imagining what the sheets would be like made from nettles - apparently something smooth and half way between linen and cotton.


Hard up Hester said...

And soup, don't forget nettle soup, it's supposed to be delicious.

Wannabe Sybil said...

It is coming up to that time of year, so I am almost - almost - tempted. It's supposed to be scarily healthy. WS x