Monday 1 August 2011


It is too hot! I am not good with hot weather. Mind you, I am also pretty rubbish when it comes to cold weather but at least then I can put a sweater on.

Today, following Dr's orders, I went for a walk after dropping little bear at nursery. I had a little stroll one side of a beck and then back.

I enjoyed it, although it was far too hot. I could name most of the plants I saw (I've tried teaching little bear and he looks at me with baffled blankness) and it was quite peaceful, and pleasant. There was lots of Himalayan balsam, and I can see how it is becoming a problem. The bees were loving it.

I also noticed some lovely, silver leaved crack willows. They were cathedral like trees, that had never been lopped or managed and rose a hundred feet in the air and looked majestic. I made a mental note not to go there in windy weather.

Darling father is not well. I am a bit fussed, as I am worried that the weather is affecting him. I have a black belt in worrying.

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