Friday 8 March 2013

Poorly bear

Bear came home from school yesterday feeling very sorry for himself with a cough, a very runny nose and a sore throat.  He groaned, he grumbled, he had ice cream for tea along with some calpol and age appropriate sudafed.  I really miss medised. It used to dry up a cold and take away the fever.  Bear definitely did not approve of the sudafed.  However he didn't have the energy to do much about it, he was feeling too poorly for computer games.

By the time he was in bed I was getting really worried.  I was up and down to him half the night.  At 6.30am bear decided he had had enough and got up.  I dosed him with calpol, made sure he had plenty to drink and then crawled away to try and catch forty winks.

I couldn't catch forty winks.  Bear was far too busy explaining exactly why he wasn't well enough for school.  He felt poorly, he had a head ache, he had a tummy ache, he had a sore throat, he didn't feel well, he felt too poorly for school.  At 8am I re-assessed the situation.  He was well enough to play a computer game and explain it in intricate detail to me, therefore he was well enough for school.

So in he went, a little pale and a little tired looking but otherwise fine.  I will keep an ear out for the phone from school and we can have a quiet weekend.

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