Tuesday 4 January 2011

Continuing considering ovens

Kungfudonut - thank you!

Morgan, I shall think about that. I find Freecycle a bit scary, I have tried to sign up but found it a bit overwhelming. I have fried/grilled eg sausages but I think they taste a bit better in the oven - even better in a Remoska!. Hmm. I am not in a rush to get one (well yes, I would love one now but I don't need to rush in).

The two things that for me are hard in the oven currently are cakes (baked v occasionally though more when I am able) and roast meat. Roast meat is more a factor as I now have both darling father and OH who like large lumps of meat on a regular basis.

Tonight I will be using the oven. I will be using a commercial jar of mushroom potato bake sauce but adding in sliced hot dog sausages as well as potatoes (and possibly some parsley, or oregano). This will be served with carrots done on the hob as little bear will currently eat carrots. This is okay in the current oven, though I wonder if it would be cheaper to cook it in a smaller electric oven.

I can feel myself talking myself into getting this electric oven, and I am not sure how useful that is.

Last night little bear ate all of his carrots and ignored the potatoes and sausage. OH was not feeling hungry so little bear ate all of his carrots and took a bite out of a remaining sausage. I was just so grateful that he was eating something that wasn't sugared!

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