Monday 31 January 2011

Little bear needs sleep

Actually I need sleep. Little bear should need sleep. He is, however, starting the day at a run.

He has a virus, nothing major, just stuff that mums fuss over, but it has meant he has been waking every hour all night. He actually ended up sleeping downstairs with me, which means that I didn't have to disturb myself too much to give him a cuddle and settle him but it does mean that I am shattered. But he did better last night than the night before.

Added to which I have just given him calpol. He is very warm to the touch and complaining of aches and pains, however his tummy is a bit off. So that rules out the baby nurofen that I normally use. Calpol turns little bear into a demon child from hell.

I am going to try and nap on the sofa while little bear watches cbeebies but I am not optimistic.


Morgan said...

I too have a child not well today but mine is much older than yours and will amuse herself, and sleep, much of the day, requiring only the occasional feeding and watering checks, with some time for cuddles thrown in for good measure!

Sleep - yes, I need more of that too!! Take care - hugs to you and LB.

Wannabe Sybil said...

Thank you for hugs, and little bear would say thank you as well as he wasn't mid tantrum (nothing particular - calpol is hell). WS x