Monday 20 February 2012

New Half Term

Little bear is back at school and I am left with a house in ruins. I am also shattered from lack of sleep. For some reason I am exhausted during the day - I could put my head down and sleep now - but awake during the night.

We are having fish tonight, and I could do with a deep clean of the kitchen. Darling father also tided up a large heap of chaos in the living room and it is starting to creep back. I need to make several phone calls.

I think I will worry about the phone calls first, then start working in the living room, clearing out some space to put the chaos. How do you eat an elephant - one mouthful at a time. I will do fifteen minute chunks with fifteen minute breaks, which has worked in the past, and see how I go. A miracle might happen. First things first, though, I need to call darling uncle. That will take up the first hour of my day.

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