Wednesday 29 February 2012

Bees are still buzzing

There were rather a lot of bees flying around the chimney pot today. I hadn't noticed them, but as I was mugged by a bee on the way out, I thought I would actually look up, and yes, there they were. In fact, there are quite a few stretching their wings and taking the air.

There are crocus round here, and some forsythia, and a few winter pansies, but not that much in the way of flowers that I have noticed. On the other hand some flowers are also bamboozled by the warm weather and I saw some flowering blackcurrant (tom cat bushes - I loathe them) starting to flower so who knows? I am confident there will be plenty of dandelions soon as they are very prolific here.

After all the fuss and stress, I think I would now be quite sad if we had no bees in the chimney.

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