Friday 12 June 2009

Green nosed again.

I think little bear is still teething. He seems to have been teething almost non stop since he was three months old. Well, there had been a lull, but I noticed a very sore patch on his gum, lower right, about the size of a molar. So it is teething time again.

So little bear is still little bear. He is not unduly bad tempered and he still has a keen eye for mischief. But he has nappy rash. He has horrible nappies. He is off his food. He is out of sorts. Worst of all, he has a very productive green nose. It is truly disgusting, even on little bear. It looks like it should audition for Dr Who.

So last night I had a disturbed night. I hardly have any of these, it is months since the last. But he was crying at 11.30, and needed a cuddle and a fuss. He went down fine, and I could here him 'talking' to his toys. But all through the night I could hear him coughing and every now and then he would give a little cry in his sleep. He slept through those cries. I couldn't.

I used to give him medised, which would dry up the runny nose, at least overnight, so he could get some rest. Of course now it has been reclassified as over six only, so I have one of those battery operated vapour thingies. I am hoping that will help.

But guess how tired I am? I think I may still have a lingering lurgy under the surface as I nearly passed out in the kitchen. I am just so tired.

I don't know what time it is tagged on the blog, but it is three pm here, little bear has just started another nap, and I am about to follow suit.


J's Mummy said...

Aww poor thing. My DS could never have medised but we find childrens sudafed helps to dry up the snots well. I think it is for over 2's

Wannabe Sybil said...

Thank you thank you thank you.

I shall look out for that . Poor little bear is so miserable. And snuffly.

And Mr Mischief! He clocked the vapouriser the second he walked in, even though I thought it was cunningly hidden. Sigh. It should be safe,but this is a toddler.

Thank you so much WS

J's Mummy said...

Just ask the chemist for it. I hopeit helps xx

Wannabe Sybil said...

Just to say that dear heart asked at Boots - and they said over 6 only, it probably went up at the same time as medised, just a few months ago.

Poor little mite. I shall keep on with the vapouriser.

I shall keep an eye out for the sudafed later on, though, as I truly believe that recommendation is the best thing when it comes to important things for little ones!

I hope you don't mind posting this, but I thought I would share the info. And I REALLY appreciated any suggestion that might help little bear.

love WS

J's Mummy said...

Oh poo. Must have gone up at the same time as the others. Sorry. MAybe I should check the piriton I use for DS too.

Wannabe Sybil said...

I use piriton for myself when I have major snuffles (I am not a pretty sight with a cold). It is wonderful that moment when you realise you can breathe again.

Fingers crossed it is still okay for your little one - or perhaps a GP can give you a 'note' that lets you have the stuff.

I am learning just how complicated these things are!

Also, I really appreciate any suggestions and help. It is just all so confusing sometimes! WS