Saturday 13 June 2009

The wonderful world of little bear

I think little bear has reached the developmental stage of having an imagination. The other night, when a teddy (not the teddy, but a teddy that he has in bed) was covered by the duvet he was upset and picked it up and gave it a hug. Of course I melted.

However I suspect he is using his imagination more and more, especially with the Numberjacks. One particular 'baddy' is called the Problem Blob which makes gross noises that are designed to appeal to little boys and drops blobs of slime on people who then are affected by the machinations of the Problem Blob. The last one I saw, those who were 'blobbed' were suffering from things being too big or too small - it is aimed at toddlers.

I suspect he has been trying to copy one episode where things that were blobbed could only move one way or got stuck when we were out, as some of his walking has been very erratic. Of course he has to stand on every grid and drain cover as well, which does not help a straight line of walk, but I am sure I can hear him saying 'blb blb blb' which is the best he can manage for the truly awful sounds of that Problem Blob.

He has also said 'blb blb blb' when pointing at a mole on my arm. I am not sure if he expects me to start acting like the victims of the Problem Blob, but I am not in a hurry to fill that role.

This morning when I was dressing him I used the vest I took off him to wipe the horrible green stuff from his nose. 'Look at that!' I said, showing him. It was disgusting, but he is a little boy.
'Blb blb blb' he said.

I am not quite sure what to expect next.

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