Friday 29 April 2011

Naughty little bear

Little bear is really not used to me being out of the house when he is there. In fact, I don't think he can remember any time apart from a quick dash to the shops. So he found it a little stressful.

However that does not excuse him. Little bear was playing in the garden with lbf, under the watchful eye of darling father. Lbf, I suspect, encouraged little bear, though I am not saying that out loud, and definitely not near little bear. Little bear ran away - all the way along the street, along the top on the busy main road and down the side again. Darling father chased him, but was unable to catch him. OH did catch him, was suitably shouty and confined him to his room until OH had calmed down.

And after the awful, mucky, dirty day I have had, when I went to change him into his pyjamas I found I had to do a quick clean up - he and lbf had been tipping potting compost down their trousers.

Lbf is an interesting friend for little bear, and I am sure that they will both be a bad influence on each other. I just don't want to try and guess how!

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