Thursday 22 December 2011

Christmas Panic

It happens to me every year. The dreaded question - have we got enough food in? Have we got enough food to tide us over a whole two days - or possibly even only one - without shops being open?

I can barely shut my cupboard doors.

So I am looking at the delivery for tomorrow. I have meat on it. I have veg on it. I have snacks on it. I have goodies on it. I have a vast quantity of chocolates (thank you Ian) and I think everyone is buying me alcohol, so the bottle of rum, seven bottles of whisky (four in darling father's room due to a good offer and three hidden in kitchen after a good offer 'just in case'), bottle of brandy, half bottle of Tia Maria, two bottles of fizzy alcohol of some description, half dozen bottles of wine and collection of half bottles of gin should, with any additions, tide us over until my next delivery booked 31 December. I have a bottle of fancy whisky for darling father, and Ian very kindly sent him some nice looking stuff as well. Oh, and the half remaining bottle of Snow Grouse taking up room in the freezer - and there may be some vodka there as well. I didn't drink much, about once or twice a year, until darling father moved in.

But have I got enough in. I have plenty of mixers. I have milk. I have bread. I have sellotape, I have wrapping paper, I have gift tags. I have foil and cling film and a bottle opener. I have loo roll. But have I got enough?

I swear that something gets put in the water this time of year.


Morgan said...

You certainly have more alcohol than me, but we are ready for the Christmas siege - shopping yesterday and a Rosspa delivery today means we are very well stocked here and I do not plan on shopping again this year...mind you, I said that last year and still shopped!

Wannabe Sybil said...

We have more alcohol than most off licenses - and most of it will be consumed by darling father! WS x