Friday 23 December 2011


Little bear has been bouncing around like an out of control bottle of pop all day and is now, understandably, exhausted and allegedly in bed. He is actually 'being quiet' which is nothing to do with being quiet and everything to do with not being caught playing with toy cars. I am leaving him to it.

So OH has started installing the new television, which is far superior to the bottom of the range flat screen we got because little bear as a toddler made a spirited attempt to pull the heavy and oldfashioned square tv we originally had onto himself. Of course that involves changing over the tv, dvd, darling father's video player, sky, and he really ought to add the wii. We bought it ages ago, we haven't used it, but it would be invaluable in burning up some of little bear's energy.

I haven't got the nerve to suggest labelling all the wires just at this moment. I am hiding on here, with my head extremely down and out of the way. OH is very good, but with all these electrics, wire rage is perfectly understandable.

And when he has everything together, and we have mastered the remotes, there will be one idiosyncratic little glitch that we will not be able to fix for six months or until we spend money on it, when it will inexplicably and without warning fall into place.

Evil cat has done her best to get her paw into it, but at her time of life she can't be bothered to put up the usual resistance to being removed, so she is sitting on the computer mouse and purring.

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