Wednesday 7 September 2011


Forgive the exclamation marks. It is early to be thinking about Christmas. Actually, the best time to think about Christmas is January when all the sales are on and that is the best time to pick up the wrapping paper and cards.

I have just cancelled the magazine subscription that is OH's Christmas present - at his request, I hasten to add. It was a technical magazine that was starting to repeat itself, and he was rarely opening the plastic covers when they came. But that leaves me with the awful problem of what to get him, the man who is impossible to buy for. Aftershave? He has a beard. Socks? He has a multitude thereof and as a matter of principle I refuse to get him clothes. I am not his mother to buy him clothes, let him sort it out. Books? I got some for his birthday from little bear but he doesn't read much at home (though he is a bibliophile and enjoys reading) and I have no idea of the audio books he has already downloaded to 'read' in the car on his way too and from work. Booze? He isn't a big drinker, and his drinking is taken up by what darling father insists he shares in. Food goodies? He has been fretting about losing weight, and while he would appreciate them, it would be a bit unfair. Smellies? Scraping the bottom of the barrel. He uses things like soap and toothpaste and shampoo and not much else.

In the past I have got mugs and glasses for him from little bear, personalised with a twee message. They are filling cupboards. And I really don't want to add more clutter, which he hates, by buying more ornaments for him. I have, in the past, also bought at least half a dozen pictures - really nice ones - and written fiction to go with them.

I should have started worrying about this months ago. I shall browse my friend, ebay, and see if inspiration strikes.

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