Thursday 1 September 2011

Good intentions

Last night I did home made soup, which had lots of compliments from OH and darling father. Little bear refused to touch it, I'm having the leftovers for lunch.

I tried to make garlic dough balls from a packet mix that I got from Approved Food a while ago. It was no good, the yeast had died, so that was unsuccessful. So there is an inadvertent clutterbust as all the ones I was planning to use up might as well go out. And the apple crumble to use up the apples didn't happen as little bear made a three act, Oscar winning performance out of walking a few yards home from nursery so I ended up getting in far too stressed to think about finding the butter, peeling apples, etc.

I have no idea what we are having tonight. Something exceedingly instant - little bear is getting severely under my feet. But it will be home made, not a takeaway. Though tomorrow is still fish n chips.

Also, the recipe for cheese soup without the cheese - soften 'some' onions, 'some' carrots and 'some' bacon, all chopped small, in 'some' butter, about a tablespoon full or a little more. Then stir in the same amount of plain flour to butter and cook for around a minute or so, not too short a time or it makes it more likely to go lumpy. Then add 'some' stock, last night I used vegetable stock cubes, with a wallop of worcestershire sauce, marmite if you like it, mixed herbs (I use the teabags) and mustard powder - about half a teaspoon for me. Add the stock slowly, bit by bit, then simmer for around twenty minutes. If you are not cheese intolerant like OH you can add 'some' cheese at this point then take it straight off the heat, but it tastes really good without cheese.

The 'some' is because it is an old fashioned soup which can be adjusted to whatever portions you like. I usually have loads of carrots, onions and bacon in it, and I do not liquidise it. I suppose you could make it thinner or liquidise.


ravylesley said...

Sybs theres no need to ditch the bread mixes just add a box of fast acting yeast to your next shop and a little of that sprinkled in the bread mixes will bring them back to life


Wannabe Sybil said...

Oops! Already thrown them out, and enjoyed the thud of the bin bag landing. However, memo to self, use dratted things up! Also, shamefully, glad to see the back of the boxes that were looking at me and waiting for me to get round to them. But will bear in mind this for the inevitable next time, thank you. WS x