Thursday 22 September 2011

School Asks

I was told off today by a Teaching Assistant (a job I could never do, and so stand somewhat in awe of them). You see, you have to go in one door and out the other, but little bear wanted to use the toilet which was nearer the in door, so we went out the 'in' door. I got called in, I had missed the Letters From School.

The first was a slip I needed to sign and return about a meeting I was invited to explaining how they were going to teach the children to read. Sigh. Little bear is 'reading' or rather, echoing words a half beat behind me when I read to him, but he already recognises quite a few, I think most of the ones he is supposed to recognise by the end of the year. I shall, of course, go as otherwise I would be classed as A Bad Parent. Heaven help the parents that can't get time off work.

The second was a picture of a hand with fingers to colour in each day next week and I am to write what task little bear does to help in the house. I am living in chaos, I couldn't find a recipe book I could not only reach but had a recipe for rice pudding in. I had to get onto the net. Sigh. I shall find, identify and frame five tasks for five days for little bear - they are going to share these during Circle Time (anyone read Lords and Ladies by Terry Pratchett?) so I suppose it had better be interesting. The Friday one has to be done before school as that is the day it has to be handed in.

The third was a little news letter. I need to find and put up a calendar because I am getting bewildered by the information.

On top of the requests for donations to the local homeless charity and the local harvest festival (held in the most agnostic church I have ever encountered) I have to find sponsorship for little bear on his fun run, and a donation for the sports clothes day (?), the school photograph is looming but that is independent of the newspaper taking pictures tomorrow and I need to try and work out what to do about PE kit by Monday because it could be on a variable day, the kit is to be kept in school and I have an awful feeling that if it is missed on the day it is used it could ferment.

I am now in a panic, because if I get stuff wrong it will reflect badly on little bear. But I am a bit grumpy about trying to work out what tasks little bear should be doing as it is so chaotic here that I am not sure what I should be doing, and if I put the wrong things down I will be A Bad Parent, and if I let little bear clean the toilet, as he has asked to in the past, I will probably be referred to Social Services!

Also, I feel mugged.


Robyn said...

Calm down. That's the first and best thing. Are you a bad parent? No, didn't think so. So why do you have a determination that someone will label you so? Tasks I can remember doing from tiny - stirring the bowl when making *something* - putting all the books back on the bookshelf. Emptying rubbish bins (dry rubbish obviously, nothing heavy) into a black sack held by Mum. Helping in the garden. Feeding animals (in my house it was always a dog, in your, well, Evil Cat eats, after all....admittedly there is always a chance she might eat LB, but that would solve the problem of the tasks in one go I guess....) Tidying his room. Dusting. Helping put the washing into the washing machine (get him to look for stuff that might run). There you go - lots of ideas - I bet you can come up with at least as many again. He's fine. You're not a bad parent, stop panicking. ;-)

Wannabe Sybil said...

Thank you. you are brilliant, and just what I needed. I think I should run a course in panicking, it is my speciality (wry lol). And thank you for the inspiration. And breathe... WS x

Morgan said...

Robyn said everything I was going to say!

As for feeling mugged, yes, it gets like that - this term already I have paid £23 for a trip to Leicester and £6 for one to Hunstanton...I keep a pot of cash for such demands. Don't feel bad if you give economically to some of them - it's the fact that you try to give that matters, not how much!

Hugs xx

ravylesley said...

I couldnt agree more with what the others have said.You really need to calm down but that is hard to do as the schoolyard is such a competitive place.As for the teachers and teaching assistants they look down their noses at everybody and also talk to everyone like they are four yrs old so dont worry we are all experiencing the same things.The only difference is I am eight years down the line and I have learnt to nod and smile in all the right places and then walk away saying a few naughty words under my breath lol
As for being mugged my hubby always reckons he should just hand his wage packet in at the office as they ask for so much money he feels like he's working just to give the school the money anyway lol


Ian said...

Dear Sister, you are quite patently NOT a Bad Mother!

You don't have to be awkward on principle like our late Mother (it's a family genetic thing), but you are a grown woman and are perfectly entitled to say "no" if you don't want to do something. Some of these demands sound a bit excessive.

The 'tasks LB does around the house' does not sound challenging, although an interesting way to encourage parents to get their children to help them out. I'm sure LB helps out with little things like feeding Evil Cat, putting away books and toys in his room. Just get him to colour in the fingers in 5 different colours and write down 5 interesting things he already does to help out. No need to plan or organise anything!

The PE kit thing is something you're going to have to get used to. If LB turns out to be sporty like his Grandad then there'll be rugby, cricket, football kit, etc to keep track of. By the way, if he's in need of things like that, let me know and I'll contribute as best I can.


PS I ordered a book for you, you know, because you don't have many. Has it arrived yet?

Witch Hazel said...

Can't add to what the others have said about tasks etc.
You mention needing a calendar. A "family calendar" might be a good idea, then LB can also see "his" activities. Lakeland do one which also has a pocket for each monhth, I find that useful to store tickets, birthday cards-for-that-month, that sort of thing. Might help?
Don't stress too much, and you aren't a bad parent.