Wednesday 14 September 2011

Waking up

I feel a lot like I am waking up.

I haven't had antidepressants for over a month. I am in favour of them in appropriate usage - you would expect a plaster cast for a broken leg, and tablets for an ulcer. It just makes sense that you take appropriate medicine for a condition. But now I feel like I am waking up.

I have cupboards stuffed with stuff. Today I plan (ha!) to have a sort of shepherd's pie mince mixture with one of the dumpling mixes made up and put in balls over the top, like a scone topping. I'll let you know how it goes, but as I will be making it after school then I don't know how it will go. I'll get as much as I can done before hand. I am determined to use things like the dumpling mix up. I got some in from Approved Food because I know that all the men in the house like them. Now it is time to serve it up - more than time!

I just had a browse of the Approved Food site, as they had some stuff advertised that I would have really used - but it had gone when I started loading up, and in the cold light of day, when I looked at my basket, we didn't NEED anything. Like I said - waking up.

There is a good chance I will get a lot more done this half term than I thought I would. It is an unnerving thought!

1 comment:

Morgan said...

I too had a browse through the AF website this morning but when the basket was full of biscuits, crisps and chocolate and not a lot else could be found that is needed, I decided to delete it! AF is very good, but in moderation, and only when some nutritional food can be bought alongside the treats - AND they have put the toilet paper up 15p a packet, so I am not impressed!!

Hugs - hope LB continues to enjoy school!