Friday 15 July 2011

Lots of hugs

It was so lovely tonight, after two days of grumpy little bear, to be able to have a lovely calm cuddle with him before bed. When he snuggled up to me at bedtime as I read the stories, it was lovely. Apparently he was lovely at nursery as well.

I have spent the last few days groggily reacting to the good behaviour (with lots of praise) and ignoring the bad (I love that I could doze through a tantrum) and I will be glad when I can get past this. Little bear can be so lovely. When he is grumpy like this it usually means something is wrong.

I think it is a tiredness issue. He is keeping himself awake telling himself about adventures of Dr Who etc and then wakes early without fail. I'll have to look at strategies to tire him more. It is also a tiredness thing with me - I have not been able to do things with him so much, like take him for a walk or such, and so tire him out.

And we are going out with Sister In Law tomorrow. I am already stressed to the eyeballs!

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