Monday 16 January 2012

Blown Budget

We are nowhere near the breadline, however we could really, really, really do with watching the pennies as little bear will need a proper keyboard as ours is just that bit short and so I could do with scraping that money together as well as the holiday money.

But when OH said that he was popping into Matalan to buy a pair of jeans, I said, 'Buy two pairs! And have a look at work trousers! And look at the shirts! And don't forget to look at the underwear!' Before OH went he had one pair of jeans and one pair of work trousers. Just getting him to consider the possibility of thinking about perhaps buying some clothes is a miracle. Stuff the budget, get some necessities!

And yes, I would buy them for him but I do feel that he is an adult, I am not his mother, so really it is up to him to buy clothes. Also, he hides his size from me, so he has to try things on.

I have also spent on clothes. This I regret. However having only two nighties that I want little bear to wake me up in (as he does most mornings) and one of them is torn and the other is splashed with paint (long story), when I found a site with a special offer, I clicked 'Buy'. The gloves I am less guilty about.

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