Saturday 7 January 2012

Budget fail

I caved and ordered at Lakeland. As I had wrecked the base of the Remoska I needed a new one, as the remoska is an incredible tool.

I am not entirely convinced by the foaming soap hand pump that sort of fell into the order. The stuff that comes out seems very foamy, but not that soapy. Perhaps I made it too dilute. It was £6.50 (on sale), so it could have been worse, but that is just over half the cost of one of little bear's piano lessons. If it works out it will pay for itself, if it doesn't then I can chalk it up to experience. And grumble.

I treated myself to a cake yesterday which neither my figure nor my purse appreciated. However I did have a very grumpy visit to town, and it almost sweetened my mood. I hate being told off by shop assistants, because, you know, customers are sooooo difficult when they actually want to buy anything. Do not get me started. It would not be pleasant. I have been a shop assistant, I know that it can be tough, I try and be nice, but I have limits.

And yesterday I received an invitation for little bear to go to the birthday party of one of his best friends. To put it another way, I had eight days notice to find a superhero costume for little bear and he would be devastated if he couldn't go. I feel an expense coming on, although he does have a (incredibly well used) superman cloak. If I had more notice I would have gone on ebay, but I daren't risk it in the time span. I have a sinking feeling it means the Disney Store, or BHS - at least it is sale time.

On the other hand, no takeaways and the school haven't asked for money yet and the term is four days old!


ravylesley said...

Try Argos they do fancy dress costumes now and I think a lot of them are reduced in the sale too


Wannabe Sybil said...

Thank you that is really, really, really helpful! This is one thing that did take me by surprise WS x