Monday 23 January 2012

Warning, Grumpy Sybil

Little bear is poorly. He has a sore throat, ear ache and a cough. However he does not do the 'pallid and listless on the sofa' routine unless he is at death's door. He goes hyper.

This morning he bounced up at seven and announced how much he loved me. I was aching, fed up and really wanted five more minutes, but how can you resist a five year old who tells you how much he loves you.

This morning was extra hustle and bustle. He was too cold. He was too warm. He wanted cereal. He didn't want cereal. He did want cereal with lots of honey. He loved me lots and lots, more than the universe (I must have been looking tense at this point). He had not lost his glove, daddy must have put it somewhere. He really loved me, twenty million times (I was definitely looking tense at yet another missing glove). I hadn't shouted at this point, but I was definitely not feeling warm and fuzzy. Little bear was full of sunshine, but with over bright eyes and very pink cheeks.

Then the walk to school. I am not bright eyed and bushy tailed, he is full of energy and over excited. He runs ahead of me (strictly forbidden) and starts hurtling round with the other kids. Then the bell goes, which is a signal for him to hold my hand as we start filing in (queuing is so strictly enforced!). He didn't turn up. He was nowhere to be seen and my rule is that I will let him run around (let off steam before happening to the teachers) but he has to stay within line of sight. He was with a friend a little way back, but that was not the point.

I think everyone in the queue jumped as I shouted his name. Little bear ignored me for a moment and then looked round. 'Get here!' I said (locally this is very soft, I don't swear at little bear which is unheard of). 'Right, why didn't you come to me when the bell went?' Little bear did his usual, which is to shout 'sorry' very aggressively. I was not being put off. 'That is not a reason, why didn't you come here?' Little bear muttered about 'don't know' and I led him into the cloak room.

I mentioned to the assistant as I went in that little bear had a sore throat, ear ache and cough. I also said that he had had baby nurofen, and that they would need gin. In the time it took me to say this while hanging up his coat little bear had vanished. The school is very strict that parents are expected to take the child right to the carpet where register is taken and pick them up from there, I was unimpressed. I caught up with him a few yards in, gave him kisses and then left. I can't keep him at home when he is so active, especially as they are so strict about attendance. However I feel very worried, and a little guilty, especially about the shouting.

I will pick him up in two hours time and again he will be on fast forward. However as he currently has no attention span, he will be bored, he will not know what to do, he will be bored, can I teach him to knit (not at this moment!), he's bored...

I have a doctor's appointment for him tomorrow after school. It is quite likely that this is all viral and that I will just have to tough it out. Really, it is little bear that is suffering, although he seems quite jolly about the whole thing. I also have a lot of sympathy for the poor little man. All I can think, though, is please let it be over soon.

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