Friday 23 March 2012

Little bear and his Pandy

Tonight little bear has been just about the most exhausted little bear in the world and has been lying on the sofa (he is, however, currently refusing to go to sleep, sigh).

Before he settled down he asked for his Big Pandy, to snuggle up to him. Hmm. Not only is Big Pandy hidden behind a shedload of rubbish, due to be evicted, but Big Pandy is still bigger than him at a good four foot tall. Big Pandy is massive, he is huge, he is vast. He is due to be thrown out (not fit for anything) but little bear has remembered him.

This has given me a sinking feeling. I have been planning to sneakily remove a lot of little bear's broken stuff and outdated and worn toys. Little bear will always refuse to part with them, but some of the bits don't look like they belong to anything but little bear will declare them his favouritist toy.

Regardless, I have volunteered OH to heave the vast carcass of Big Pandy out of the junk room and in to little bear. We will just have to work around things - again!

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