Wednesday 14 March 2012

Operation Clutterbust limping along

I may have had an epic fail with it last year, but I am determined to keep going. Nice Mr Next Door got a swing bin liner full of old socks yesterday, mostly OH's. They are really, seriously, desperately past their best and I had already provided replacements.

I have to add that Nice Mr Next Door uses a lot of rags with mending cars, and I can see old socks being v useful for all sorts of things. I am not keeping any back, however, as I am sure any old socks we need will emerge over time.

I also sent two carrier bags of knitting magazines to the Methodist's Knit and Natter (the one I am too scared to go to). I have no idea what they could do with them, but it was either that or the recycling.

And I managed to wash out a load of old jam jars on Monday. They are currently in a carrier bag in the garden as I don't know where to take them, and the car isn't fit to take anything to the tip. However they are not in my kitchen waiting for me to do something. Okay, they are in my garden waiting for me to do something, but it could be a lot worse.

Darling father is running a bookstall on 31st at the Methodist Fair. I am determined to go through our books and we should be able to make a contribution. Not a large one - we have had a cull relatively recently - but we should be able to get rid of something!

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