Friday 18 January 2013

And me a married woman

Quite often bear will get up with the first sparrow's cough and I will sleepily make him breakfast, put a large glass of squash next to him and then crawl back into my pit to doze as bear goes on to the computer.  Bear loves watching YouTube videos of people playing minecraft, including someone called Duncan who has made a series of videos on how to play the Tekkit minecraft. 

I am starting to get really fond of Duncan.

It isn't anything to do with what he looks like.  I have absolutely no idea.  Unlike a lot of the other videos Duncan does not use Bad Words.  He seems pleasant enough, and he has the most lovely, soothing voice.  It gently expands on the details of the minecraft game as I doze happily knowing that bear is safe watching that.  I have even slept enough to dream, which I rarely do when bear is around, and I have been dreaming to that voice carefully explaining something to do with the game that I haven't quite grasped and I have little or no intention of trying. 

So soothing and comforting is his voice that I have seriously considered setting off one of his tutorials to run while I drift off to sleep.  How OH would react to me dozing off to another man's voice, albeit one probably young enough to be my son, I am not sure.  But it is so calming. 

1 comment:

Morgan said...

I'll listen to Bill Patterson till the cows come home, so I know what you mean!