Monday 21 January 2013

Doing my best

Strawberry has once again wandered in, eaten and wandered out.  She wasn't quite as polite.  She drank from evil cat's dish and sharpened her claws on the stair carpet but she is still far more polite than any other feline I've known.

I have a fairly large, crisp box sized plastic box which I have placed on it's side, near the house and about twelve inches from the kitchen window which is at ground level due to some nifty cellar conversion.  I didn't put any fabric or cushion in as I thought it would just get damp.  The box is facing the window and a little way away from the drain, but hopefully close enough to benefit from the microclimate from the warm water from the sink, washer and dishwasher and the air from the central heating exhaust. 

Anyway, I will see what happens, and now I am off to make a warming stew for dinner.  There may be dumplings.

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