Friday 11 January 2013

Pulling myself together

It's what I need to do.  Yesterday started to look promising, as soon as I decided I was going to do nothing I was loading the dishwasher, sorting laundry, walking to Makro, dealing with BT etc.  However darling uncle did his usual tactic of ringing and asking, 'did you just ring me?'  The answer is invariably 'no!'  I cannot remember a time when I said, 'yes, I did ring.'  What I think it translates into is, 'I know you didn't want me to ring before 3.30 but I fancied a chat.'  And that was one hour thirty minutes of me adjusting his next online delivery. 

Today is not going much better.  I thought I had a hospital appointment, but I had washed my appointment card.  I got the day wrong, and the time wrong, but as I pointed out at the reception desk - I got the month right. 

Little bear was in a foul mood this morning.  I may hide from him once he gets home. There was a lot of stamping and angry arm folding.  Mind you, a day in school with his friends is likely to have cheered him up. 

It's January, it is cold, dark and gloomy, and there is a risk of snow.  I can feel myself shutting down.  This is a normal response to January.  I think I will definitely concentrate on my knitting for a bit.  That will free up space, make me feel better and giving me something to keep moving for. 

Roll on summer. 

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