Saturday 5 January 2013

I am doing it again!

I am doing it again and it is driving me nuts.  No-one in this house is feeling well.  This is normal in January after a wet autumn.  We all have colds, darling father is designed to hibernate so he suffers regardless of germs and it is dark, gloomy and we are on the fag end of Christmas. 

Little bear has a cough and a bit of an upset tummy.  In fact, he is feeling so under the weather that he can barely be bothered to beg for chocolate.  The lad who seems to aim to eat his own bodyweight in sugar seems a bit disinterested in goodies at the moment.  He also has a nasty cough.  I have been watching this cough creep slowly up over the Christmas holiday and it is edging very near to a doctor's appointment. 

This is all normal. 

On Monday, the first day back for little bear, I have an appointment at the hospital at 9am for a lung function test. 

If we are all feeling fine then that means getting little bear up at seven, getting him fed, watered, washed, dressed and out before 7.45 so that he can go to the before school club so that I can get in to the hospital on time.  Normally it takes around thirty minutes to get to the hospital, but at morning rush hour, the first day back at school, I'm allowing a generous hour.

So I am hovering and twitching over little bear to see how well he is.  Will he be well enough at 7.45am on Monday?  What if he isn't - he has had a few days off last term, and the school has targets to meet.  I don't want to send him in poorly, but I don't want to get into trouble.  I will have to pay for the school club regardless - I have no chance to get in touch to cancel. 

And then while my iffy tummy is calming down, I am starting with a nasty sore throat.  Will I be okay taking that into a clinic of potentially poorly people? 

So I am fretting and twitching about something I have no control over, that I cannot possibly know and that will only be made worse by worrying. 

The current plan is to take little bear in regardless, unless he is actually sick, and have darling father on standby to collect if necessary.  I will go in to the test as planned unless I am actually sick as a minor cold is not an emergency.  I will get the dratted test done and come home.  And I will stop worrying!


Morgan said...

So sorry you are all feeling under the weather like this. Just take it a day at a time and see how you get on; don't get stressed over wondering what will happen - I used to do that and realised eventually that it just made it all worse...Bug hugs, and love xxx

Wannabe Sybil said...

Thank you for the hugs - they are much appreciated. Little bear feels well enough for Toys R Us with the last of his birthday money, and I will just work around the rest of it. Thank you! WS xxx