Sunday 21 April 2013

At it again

If you enjoyed The Forgotten Village then you may like to take a look at the first installment of 'At the Sign of the White Hart' which is a story set in the same sort of world as The Forgotten Village but set in York.

I have had a lot of fun writing it, I'm planning to publish in thirteen installments, then when they have all been up for a few weeks I will publish as a novel.  However while it is on my other blog it is free to read, and I hope you can enjoy it now.

And if you enjoy it (and I really hope you will!) please let others know, if  you think they will like it.  I love writing stories, it would be great if people enjoyed reading them.


Kitty Greene said...

I loved The Forgotten Village and am looking forward to reading the first instalment of your latest writings - I'll catch you later - and I will definately pass it on.
Glad you have something to keep your mind occupied !

Wannabe Sybil said...

I am so glad you enjoyed The Forgotten Village and I hope you enjoy At the Sign of the White Hart. I hope you feel able to give feedback. Thank you WS xxx

Mountain Ash said...

Loved Forgotten Village and first chapter of White Hart. When do we get the rest of the sequel to FV and how can I get FV to download on my computer as I don't have an e-book reader?