Monday 1 April 2013

Muddling through the menu

I had it planned.  We had pork pies from the fair at Kirkstall Abbey yesterday for lunch.  We have two more meals worth of pork and some mushrooms so it was looking like pork with mushroom sauce and the broad beans and rice.  Tomorrow is pork in a jar of Hoi Sin Sauce (one of my better investments from Approved Food.

DH decided that actually he really, really, really fancied a pub lunch.  As he hardly ever goes out anyway and very rarely asks to do anything like that then I couldn't do anything but encourage him.  So off we went.

The pork pies will probably be fit tomorrow, we will have the pork etc as planned but without rice tonight (we are all stuffed) and it will all work out.

I am a bit worried about bear.  He really does not like going out.  He objected violently to going out, then declared firmly once we reached the pub that he did not feel hungry at all and that he he didn't want anything to eat.  This progressed to he didn't like anything, to he wanted the children's tortillas, to 'where is the food because I am starving'.  I could have written the script.  We will get there.

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