Wednesday 17 April 2013

Un-bear-able breakfast

Bear was up at the first sparrow's cough.  As DF hadn't got in until 11.30 I was a bit unimpressed but he let me doze until 7am.  Then he wanted breakfast.  I was a bit unimpressed by his choice of buttered crackers but thought that there are worse ways to start the day, he would have a chocolate biscuit if I let him.

Unfortunately the crackers were completely unacceptable.  They were not the usual type and they tasted all wrong, at least the one he had tried.  And how could I expect him to try the rest of the selection as the first was disgusting.  Bear objected loud and long, rejected sandwiches and fruit and settled eventually on having some toast.  I sighed, got myself up and made the toast.

The toast was completely unacceptable as well.  It was burned!  Actually it had some dark bits but how dare I try and poison him with burned toast.  He ended up with a chocolate biscuit.

Tomorrow it is cereal or else -and I mean or else!  One morning where he has a chocolate biscuit I can cope with.  But I won't have him go to school empty and I certainly won't tolerate any more of his picking at rubbish.  I am also trying to tot up how much protein he is having and I am worried it isn't enough.  Today I will be researching better breakfasts.

Bear is going to object mightily.  I can live with that.

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