Thursday 11 April 2013

Bear likes asparagus!

We had mash, sausages and I put the asparagus in a microwave long dish, covered, with some water in and microwaved for six minutes.  They were perfect.  I just served it up 'as is' and it was fine.

I was so pleased that bear enjoyed asparagus, he seems so adventurous sometimes.  I hope he doesn't expect it every week, though.  It depends what comes in the veg box.  We will also be having celeriac and kohl rabi.

I tried the pear cake.  I wish I could fib and say that it went well, but it didn't.  I tried using the size of tin recommended by the recipe, but that was far too small, so I put some in another dish and I am waiting to see how it eats.

Hopefully I will manage banana cake tonight.

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