Friday 12 April 2013

My kitchen is possessed

It isn't really.  It's doing an okay impression of it though.

I need a new kitchen.  I will almost certainly get one in the next twenty years.  Actually there is a chance I will get a new one in the next twenty years.  All the counters are still working.  However two of the drawers out of six cannot be used and about four doors are hanging off.  But the shelves all work, I mustn't get to precious about it.

The kitchen is elderly anyway, at least twenty years old, it isn't shoddy workmanship that is the problem but age and twenty years ago things were not so robust as they are now.  We had to replace the sink unit as it was collapsing and the drawers on that are lovely.  The old ones are a bit temperamental.

However up until now the drawer in which we keep the cutlery has always been fine.  It opens, it closes, it holds cutlery.  Except now it seems to have a mind of its own.

Yesterday I put away some cutlery, shut the drawer and then watched as the drawer opened again by itself.  I shut the drawer and it opened again.  I shut the drawer a bit more carefully and it slid open again.  I checked that nothing was actually stopping it closing and shut the drawer again.  It opened.  Eventually I managed to get it to stay closed.  And I had a witness - DH watched it all and was equally baffled.

This is a little bit reassuring as I keep looking around, seeing the cutlery drawer open and thinking I've been slack and not closed the drawer and it was probably just the drawer deciding to open itself.

It really is unnerving to see a drawer open by itself in front of you, but I suspect that it is to do with the joint drain for the two houses at the back leaking damp into our house and so the cheap chipboard at the back is basically disintegrating.  I think this is making things all a bit looser.  And at least I am probably remembering to shut the cutlery drawer.

Actually, if it is possessed does that help explain where all the table knives and egg spoons have gone?  They seem to have evaporated recently.   Perhaps the ghost has taken them.  Or they have got caught up with something else.  Explanations that don't include ghosts are more likely to be true.


Kitty Greene said...

Well if the ghost is helping itself to your cutlery, why not leave some food out as well, he's obvously hungry !

Wannabe Sybil said...

I suppose I could leave out some spook-ghetti WS xxx